William Randolph Mayfield and his wife Sarah Amanda Davis ca. 1900.

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Tombstone of Micajah Mayfield (1748-1838), Revolutionary War Veteran.

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Early Mayfield Settlers of Virginia

By Phil Norfleet



In recent years, historians of Colonial America have recognized that the settlement of British North America before the Revolution was not a uniform process but rather was accomplished by many highly differentiated immigrant groups. These historians, including Bernard Bailyn, T. H. Breen and David Hackett Fischer, have contended that even the English-speaking groups were culturally very different, even though they were all came from Britain and/or Ireland.  Fischer, in his book entitled Albion's Seed (published in 1989), tells us that the principal British migration groups were:

a. Puritans, mostly of the middle class, from the eastern counties of England to Massachusetts Colony during the years 1629-1640.

b. A very small number of families from the Cavalier elite, a few middle-class people who paid their own way, and a very large group of mostly lower-middle-class, indentured servants (whose passage was paid for by others), from the southern English counties to the Virginia Tidewater area during the years 1642-1675.

c. A group of mostly Quakers from the Midland counties of England and Wales to the Delaware Valley (mainly to Pennsylvania Colony) during the period 1675-1725.

d. English-speaking people from the northern counties of England, from Scotland and from the Province of Ulster in Northern Ireland (the Scotch-Irish), to the Appalachian back country of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas during the period 1718-1775.

The earliest known Mayfield immigrant to Virginia, Robert Mayfield, settled in Glouster County, Virginia as an indentured servant in about the year 1652. He probably was of a lower middle class social status and came from the south of England, perhaps from Surrey or Sussex County.  Accordingly, the Mayfields are clearly associated with migration group b. above.

Virginia Headrights System

Initially, Virginia was colonized under royal charters issued by James I to the London Company. However, in 1624, the London Company was dissolved and Virginia became a royal colony under the direct rule of the King. The basic doctrine of land tenure throughout the colonial period was that all land was held immediately by the King, to be dispensed by the royal officials of the colonial government in accordance with the wishes of the King. Patents (grants) to land in Virginia were issued in accordance with the "headrights" system. Under this system, every person (or headright) who paid his own way to Virginia would be assigned 50 acres of land, and if he transported, at his own cost, one or more other persons/headrights, he would, for each person whose passage he also paid, be awarded an additional 50 acres of land.

After patenting and surveying a tract of land, a patentee was required to settle the land within three years of the date of the patent and pay an annual "quit-rent" of one shilling for every fifty acres. Title to previously patented land could be returned to the King in the following two basic ways:

1.  The land had not been settled within the three year period (lapsed land).

2.  When the landowner died without heirs or he was convicted of a felony (escheat land)

Throughout most of the seventeenth century, land was granted almost exclusively on the basis of the headright system. However, as the population of the colony increased and as the labor supply became more plentiful, there arose a demand to permit the granting of undeveloped land, particularly land adjacent to developed tracts, without having to provide additional headrights. Accordingly, by the late seventeenth century, custom permitted and laws were eventually modified to permit land grants issued upon the payment of a fee in the secretary’s office, usually at the rate of five shillings for each fifty acres of land so granted. (See W. Stitt Robinson, Junior, Mother Earth - Land grants in Virginia 1607-1699 (1957), page 42.)

Estimated Immigration to Virginia Colony Based on Headrights

Most of the Colonial Virginia land patent records have survived in a series of fourteen patent books which have been abstracted by Nell M. Nugent; her abstracts have been published in a series of volumes issued by the Virginia State Library. The land patent books provide the date of the patent, number of acres of land granted, general location of the land, and (when granted upon a headright basis) the individual names of the headrights/persons for whom the land was granted. Accordingly, these records provide an excellent source upon which to estimate the rate of immigration to Virginia Colony during the 17th Century. Professor Wesley Frank Craven of Princeton University used these land records to calculate the number of Virginia headrights recorded by year from 1636 through 1699. (See Wesley Frank Craven, White, Red, and Black (1971), pages 15-16.)

I have summarized this information by decade in the following table:


Number of Headrights

Historical Events during Period



English Civil War; Charles I Beheaded (1649)



England Ruled by Parliament and Cromwell



Restoration of Charles II (May 1660); Second Dutch War



Continued Reign of Charles II; Third Dutch War



Reign of James II (1685-1688); The Glorious Revolution (1688)



Reign of William III and Mary II

The first Mayfield immigrant to Virginia was probably Robert Mayfield who arrived in Glouster County as an indentured servant in about the year 1652. As the above table shows, during the decade in which Robert arrived (the 1650’s), Virginia Colony was experiencing its largest migration from England.


Robert Mayfield (d. 1692) - The First Mayfield Immigrant

This Robert Mayfield was probably born in England in about 1630.  He seems to have migrated to Virginia Colony, as an indentured servant, in about 1652.  A few years after his arrival in Virginia, in about 1654, he married;  unfortunately the name of his wife is unknown. He seems to have had at least two sons who survived into adulthood:

1.  Robert Mayfield (died 1715)

2.  Edward Mayfield (born circa 1660)

My notes concerning what little information that I have been able to glean from the records of Colonial Virginia concerning this Robert Mayfield, the first Mayfield immigrant, are as follows:

The earliest entry mentioning a person with the Mayfield surname in Virginia, of which I am aware, is found in a list of headrights supporting a 350-acre land grant in Gloucester County to a certain Richard Longe in the year 1652.

I have carefully examined the original of this document from the microfilm at the Library of VA. The grant is found in Patent Book 3, page 135 and I abstract it as follows:

06 Dec 1652: Grant to Richard Longe of 350 acres of land on Milford Haven on westward side of a branch dividing from George Billops. Headrights: Edward Dymont, Henry King, Robert Maiyffelld, Hannah Cotton, Mary James, Thomas Hale, Lt. Col. Griffith, his wife Anne.

The "Robert Maiyffelld" so listed is probably a variant spelling of "Robert Mayfield" as creative spelling is a hallmark of 17th century writing.

It should be noted that while I have transcribed the name as Robert Maiyffelld other researchers have read the name differently. In the old script, when the letter "s"appears in the middle of a word, it was written in a manner very similar to the letter "f." Hence, it frequently is very difficult to determine whether an "s" or an "f" is intended.

Nell Nugent, who abstracted all the early land patents of VA, read the name as "Mansfelld" [see "Cavaliers and Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants" (first published 1934), Volume One, page 267]. Furthermore, Polly Cary Mason, who compiled the "Records of Colonial Gloucester County Virginia" (published 1946), at page 49, read the name as "Maysfield."

The identification of Robert Mayfield as a headright, indicates that he probably entered the colony as an indentured servant sometime in the year 1652 or shortly before. Studies of VA headrights indicate that the most common age for male headrights was the 18-25 age group. Assuming Robert was in this age bracket, his year of birth would be somewhere around 1630.

The Colonial VA law, in effect in 1652, concerning the terms of indenture was as follows:

Under 12 years of Age - 7 Years
From 12 to 20 Years of Age - 5 Years
Age 20 Years and Over - 4 Years

Accordingly, the most probable period of indenture for Robert Mayfield would have been four or five years. Thus, it is probable that he would have completed his indenture in about 1656/57. I have not been able to find any record of a Mayfield having received a land grant in Colonial VA during the period 1635-1750. In fact the earliest record of any Mayfield land acquisition was a Rappahannock County deed from Daniel and Robert Gaines to Robert Mayfield for 105 acres of land in the year 1677. My best conjecture is that this Robert is the son of the Robert Mayfield noted as a headright in 1652. My reasons for this conjecture are as follows:

1.  There is evidence that a certain Robert Mayfield of Henrico County VA had died about the year 1692 or perhaps a little earlier. Henrico County Record Book Number 2 (Orders and Wills, 1678-1693), page 429 states the following:

"Com: Henrici pr:o die [torn] 1692 ... Capt Will Farrar being by ye Last Court Appointed to see ye delry of Cattle belonging to Robt Jones an Orph late in ye Wardship of Will Blackman wch were given unto ye said Orph per Rob't Mayfield decd doth Return Acc't That ye sd Order is performed & that ye said Jones hath received in full one Cow, one Calf & one Bull."

I interpret the above statement to mean that the orphan, Robert Jones, was bequeathed or otherwise due some cattle from the estate of Robert Mayfield, now deceased; the orphan was given one cow, one calf and one bull to satisfy said court order. Most certainly this Robert Mayfield was dead by the year 1692, the year of the court order.

No will of this Robert Mayfield is known to exist; however, the extant probate records of Henrico County are not complete and the records of the adjacent County of New Kent have been completely destroyed for the relevant time period. Also, if this Robert Mayfield died intestate, then under the Law of Primogeniture, Robert's personal property, including cattle, would have been equally divided among all his children. It is quite possible that the orphan, Robert Jones, was a grandson of Robert Mayfield by one of his daughters who had married a member of the Jones family. The later (1720's) Essex County records show a certain Robert Jones associated with the Mayfields in various lawsuits.

2. There is evidence that a certain Edward Mayfield was living in New Kent County in in 1695. He almost certainly was at least 21 years of age at the time as he was a plaintiff in a successful lawsuit tried in the Rappahannock County Court. I believe Edward is probably a son of the Robert Mayfield who was an indentured servant in 1652 and a brother of the Robert Mayfield who acquired land in Rappahannock County in 1677.

3.  The Robert Mayfield who acquired land in 1677 is almost certainly the same Robert whose will, dated 3 December 1714, was probated in Essex County, Virginia on 16 August 1715. Thus, the year of death for this man was almost certainly in 1715. The will names a wife Sarah; sons Robert, Abraham, John, Isaac and Jacob; and daughters Catherine, Jane, and Anne. All indications are that these children were born in the 1680's and 1690's, i. e. after the 105-acre land acquisition in 1677. If their father was the Robert Mayfield, who was an indentured servant in 1752, he would have been in his fifties or sixties when all his children were born; I consider this to be a highly unlikely scenario.

4.  All demographic studies conducted for 17th century England and Virginia indicate short lifespans. The typical age of death for women was in their forties, and for men, it was in their late forties and early fifties. A recent study done for Colonial Middlesex County VA, a county directly adjacent to Essex County, indicates an expected age at death for men, who had already reached the age of 20, to be only 45 years of age! [see "A Place in Time Explicatus" by Darrett and Anita Rutman, published 1984, page 52] Accordingly, I consider it highly unlikely that the Robert Mayfield who died in 1715 was the same Robert Mayfield who entered VA in 1652.

5.  The Robert Mayfield who acquired land in 1677 is not designated as Junior or Senior or some other differentiating label. This indicates to me that there was no other Robert Mayfield living in Rappahannock County at that time. Robert's father and namesake was probably still alive at this time, but was residing in either Henrico or New Kent County.

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