Biographical Sketch
of Edward Mayfield (born circa 1660)
By Phil Norfleet
There is very little hard evidence concerning
this Edward Mayfield. My conjecture is that he was a son of the Robert
Mayfield who died in Essex County, Virginia in 1692. The information
concerning Edward, provided in the official records of Colonial Virginia, are
presented below.
The minutes of Essex County Court for 11 Jun 1695 (pg 246) mention an action
brought in New Kent County Court:
" ... Mr. John Lewis of New Kent County against whom one Edward Mayfield of the
same County brought his action to New Kent County Court and recovered the said
horse as his own. ..."
My conjecture is that this Edward Mayfield is a brother of the Robert Mayfield
of Essex County VA whose will, dated 3 Dec 1714, was probated in Essex County
Court on 16 August 1715.
The following additional information re an Edward Mayfield was obtained online
from the Virginia Colonial Records Database maintained by the Library of
Virginia in Richmond:
A British Admiralty Muster Book shows that Edward Mayfield was a sailor on the
ship SOUTHAMPTON, commanded by a certain James Moodie, shipmaster, during the
years 1702-03! The muster, for December-January 1702/1703, was for "Men who left
or joined in Virginia."
I wonder what ultimately happened to Edward? Did he die at sea? Edward's naval
service was during the early years of the "War of Spanish Succession" between
Britain and France. I wonder if the SOUTHAMPTON was a warship or was it a
merchant vessel? Since the listing was obtained from the Admiralty Muster Books,
it probably was a warship. I wonder if Edward may have been involuntarily
pressed into service? Such forced impressment was commonplace for the Royal Navy
during the entire 18th Century! [Ref: British Public Record Office (PRO) Class
ADM 36/3874, Document SR 08692, Admiralty Muster Book (1701-1703), page 2]