The last will and testament of Peter Mayfield,
dated 13 June 1687, was probated in Albemarle County, North Carolina on 6
October 1687. This document is the earliest known Mayfield will in America that
has survived the ravages of time. A transcription and a digital facsimile
of the will are shown below:
Albemarle In The Province of Carolina
In the name of God Amen. I Peter Mayfield being weake of body but of perfect and
sound memory - praise be to almighty God for the same - Do make appoint and
Constitute this my Last will and testament in manner and form following viz.
Imprimius I bequeath my soule to God who gave it hoping through the merit of
Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon for all my sins Committed in this
transitory life & I commit my body to the ground from whence it was taken to be
decently buried as my Executrix hereafter named shall think Convenient & as for
what worldly goods it hath pleased God to Invest me with, all I bestow as
followth, viz.
After my just debts which of right I owe to any persons be fully satisfied, I
bequaeth unto my God Daughter Ann Loud the value of eight Pounds Sterling in
Current Commodities to be valued when She is of age or on the day of marriage
and one chest [and] two iron pots I also bequeath unto the aforesaid Ann Loud.
And all the rest of my Estate both real and personal, plantation, housing,
fencing, orchard and all my estate whatever I give and bequeath unto my loving
wife Ann Mayfield and her heirs forever. And also I have my Loving wife to be
Exectrix of this my Last will and testament hereby Revoking all other wills by
me made and I doe appoint Robert Wallis and Thos Rolfe as overseers appointing
this to be my only Last Will and Testament where unto I set my hand and seal
this 13th day of June 1687.
/S/ Peter Mayfield (his mark) (Seal)
Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of:
John Larance (his mark)
Robert Wallis
Tho. Rolfe
Proved in Court the 6th day of October 1687 before me:
Seth Sothel,
Digital facsimile of
the Will of Peter Mayfield